Allergy Desensitization

A non-invasive muscle testing technique that reprograms the body so that it no longer reacts to specific allergens. This technique works on pollens, foods, pets, smoke, and other allergens.

What is Allergy Desensitization?

The theory behind this technique comes from the work of Dr. Victor Frank and is derived from his Total Body Modification (TBM) technique, also available at Adamina Wellness. Through years of testing and experience with the original technique, this particular variation of allergy desensitization was modified and developed by Angela’s father, Gary L. Storkan DC. While deeper allergy patterns may require two to three sessions, most patients experience full and long-lasting relief after only one session. Following the procedure, foods may be immediately eaten with no evidence of ever having caused a reaction, chemicals and pets will no longer cause a reaction, and pollens will cease to cause a reaction within 1 to 2 days. The technique is completely non-invasive and lasts for years.

Applied Kinesiology, also known as muscle testing, is the technique used to determine the allergic response. The theory behind this practice states that all things contain or radiate an energy field unique to itself. Your body also radiates such a field of energy. When substances, living things, and other energies interact with your body’s energy field, it responds either positively or negatively. Muscle testing is used as a means to detect these responses by your body. Through this, the substance to which a person is allergic can be determined, and the energy field manipulated to no longer react in a negative way.

The Technique

The substance to which you are allergic will need to be present. If you are unsure of the allergens that are affecting you, Angela may be able to determine them using her own stock of common allergens. It may not be necessary to bring in a sample of an allergen, as Angela may already have it, but if you do know which substances you are allergic to, please let Angela know when you schedule your appointment and she will let you know whether you will need to bring in a sample.

As the person holds the substances to which they are reacting, the associated organ is found which is harboring this reaction. It is not necessary to touch or otherwise interact with the allergen during the process—simply holding the bag or vial containing the allergen close to the body is adequate. The nervous system is then stimulated along the spine by means of massage or mild percussion which, in essence, reprograms the body to no longer react to the substance. The substance is then placed on various parts of the body (sinuses, brain, various organs, etc.) to determine which local area is reacting to this substance. Each area found to be positive with the reaction is then reprogrammed using the same system. Assuming you can comfortably sit and lie down, there is no pain during this process.

Side-Effects of Allergy Desensitization

There are no know side-effects of this technique. Most people experience full relief after one session, but from time to time, particularly severe or deep allergy patterns may require one or two subsequent treatments.


There are no contraindications of this technique, however, those who are currently experiencing an infectious disease should wait until they are healthy again to make an appointment.

Note: Due to the processing capacity of the body’s energy system, up to 3 allergens may be addressed per session.

A note about Anaphylaxis: Anaphylaxis is a life-threatening type of allergic reaction. Its onset is extremely rapid—usually within minutes. While many people have experienced partial or even full relief of such deep allergies through this technique, it is not recommended to interact with such allergens after undergoing the process without the proper precautions. There is no guarantee that these deep and life threatening allergic reactions can be permanently or even partially relieved.

Benefits of Desensitization:

The desensitized substance will no longer cause an allergic reaction, including but not limited to:

  • Watery eyes
  • Dry/itchy eyes
  • Runny or stuffed up nose
  • Sneezing
  • Coughing
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Rash or itchy skin
  • Reduction in the severity of anaphylaxis
    (see note below)

Allergy Types Include:

  • Pollens
  • Foods
  • Animals
  • Cosmetics
  • Cleaning Products & other chemicals
  • Smoke
  • Metals

Initial Session

1 Hour 30 Minutes

Includes initial consultation and treatment.

Subsequent Session

1 Hour

Treatment for another
set of allergens, if

Do-Over Session

1/2 Hour

Desensitizes the same allergy used in the first session if necessary.